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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

New Plant Variety Consultations

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BNF No. 146




Developer: J.R. Simplot Company
5369 West Irving Street
Boise, ID 83706
Trait(s): Changes in composition (reduced black spot bruise)
(reduced free asparagine, lower level of reducing sugars)
Blight Resistance
Submission Date : Apr 15, 2014
Inserted genes (gene fragments): Gene segments from Ppo5 gene and Gene segments from Asn1 and VInv genes and PhL and R1 promoters
Solanum tuberosum var. Ranger Russet
Contains EPA-regulated trait: Yes
FDA's Memo(s): Human and Animal Food Uses
Dec 31, 2015
FDA's letter: Human food and animal food
Completion date: Jan 12, 2016