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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

New Plant Variety Consultations

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BNF No. 152




Developer: J.R. Simplot Company
5369 W Irving Street
Boise ID 83706
Trait(s): Changes in composition (reduced black spot bruising)
(reduced free asparagine)
(lower levels of reducing sugars)
Submission Date : Jul 11, 2015
Inserted genes (gene fragments): Gene segments from PPO5 gene encoding polyphenol oxidase 5, Gene segments from ASN1 gene encoding asparagine synthase 1, and Gene segment from R1 and PhL promoters, which encode enzymes that degrade phosphorylated starch
Solanum tuberosum var. Ranger Russet
Contains EPA-regulated trait: No
FDA's Memo(s): Human and Animal Food Uses
Jul 28, 2016
FDA's letter: Human food and animal food
Completion date: Aug 19, 2016